Gnuastro: Simulating The Exposure Map of a Pointing Pattern - Appendix

9 May 2024


(1) Mohammad Akhlaghi, Centro de Estudios de F´ısica del Cosmos de Aragon (CEFCA), Plaza San Juan 1, 44001, Teruel, Spain {}.

Abstract and Intro

Simulating the Exposure Map

Acknowledgment and References




This research was done with the following free software programs and libraries: 1.23, Bzip2 1.0.8, CFITSIO 4.1.0, CMake 3.24.0, cURL 7.84.0, Dash 0.5.11-057cd65, Discoteq flock 0.4.0, Expat 2.4.1, File 5.42, Fontconfig 2.14.0, FreeType 2.11.0, Git 2.37.1, GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.20.72-08b0 (Akhlaghi & Ichikawa 2015; ?), GNU Autoconf 2.71, GNU Automake 1.16.5, GNU AWK 5.1.1, GNU Bash 5.2-rc2, GNU Binutils 2.39, GNU Bison 3.8.2, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 12.1.0, GNU Coreutils 9.1, GNU Diffutils 3.8, GNU Findutils 4.9.0, GNU gettext 0.21, GNU gperf 3.1, GNU Grep 3.7, GNU Gzip 1.12, GNU Integer Set Library 0.24, GNU libiconv 1.17, GNU Libtool 2.4.7, GNU libunistring 1.0, GNU M4 1.4.19, GNU Make 4.3, GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library 6.2.1, GNU Multiple Precision Complex library, GNU Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliably 4.1.0, GNU Nano 6.4, GNU NCURSES 6.3, GNU Readline 8.2- rc2, GNU Scientific Library 2.7, GNU Sed 4.8, GNU Tar 1.34, GNU Texinfo 6.8, GNU Wget 1.21.2, GNU Which 2.21, GPL Ghostscript 9.56.1, Help2man , Less 590, Libffi 3.4.2, Libgit2 1.3.0, libICE 1.0.10, Libidn 1.38, Libjpeg 9e, Libpaper 1.1.28, Libpng 1.6.37, libpthread-stubs (Xorg) 0.4, libSM 1.2.3, Libtiff 4.4.0, libXau (Xorg) 1.0.9, libxcb (Xorg) 1.15, libXdmcp (Xorg) 1.1.3, libXext 1.3.4, Libxml2 2.9.12, libXt 1.2.1, Lzip 1.23, OpenSSL 3.0.5, PatchELF 0.13, Perl 5.36.0, pkgconfig 0.29.2, podlators 4.14, Python 3.10.6, utilLinux 2.38.1, util-macros (Xorg) 1.19.3, WCSLIB 7.11, X11 library 1.8, XCB-proto (Xorg) 1.15, xorgproto 2022.1, xtrans (Xorg) 1.4.0, XZ Utils 5.2.5 and Zlib 1.2.11. The LATEX source of the paper was compiled to make the PDF using the following packages: courier 61719 (revision), epsf 2.7.4, etoolbox 2.5k, helvetic 61719 (revision), lineno 5.3, pgf 3.1.10, pgfplots 1.18.1, revtex4- 1 4.1s, tex 3.141592653, textcase 1.04 and ulem 53365 (revision). We are very grateful to all their creators for freely providing this necessary infrastructure. This research (and many other projects) would not be possible without them.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 DEED license.