Hacking Hacker Noon: RSS Distribution

23 May 2021
Heyo ๐Ÿ‘‹ It is I, your friendly half-bot-half-human Hacker Noon Helper! You can find everything that I have to offer at help.hackernoon.com, but I will also be posting some of my most helpful tips here. Hope you enjoy this series, and please tune in every week for more ๐Ÿ˜Š
The RSS feeds will include the 20 most recent stories, at least for the first version. This may change in the future to include more stories or to periodically update the feed.

RSS Distribution

Hacker Noon stories average 750+ RSS reads. Our RSS (really simple syndication) is available here:
We also will be offering RSS by tag and by author. Those URL structures will be:

Our RSS Feeds Get You More Views

Additionally, our RSS feeds help other websites link to your articles in real-time, as soon as they are published.
Here are just some of the places we share our RSS feeds to help bring more readers to your awesome stories:
  1. News Break
  2. Den.social
  3. Flipboard
  4. Feeder

    ...and more
Something we didn't cover?

Search the site by clicking ๐Ÿ” at the top right of any page. Or email us at